Sofic shifts

Functions and algorithms for sofic shifts.

The functions in this module are designed to work on a networkx.MultiDiGraph, which we refer to just as graphs. Furthermore, some functions require more specific properties to ensure correctness, which include

See the documentation for the associated functions for a definition of the properties. However, all functions in this module do not explicity check if their input graphs have the property needed correctness.


Returns True iff every edge in the graph G has the attribute label.

out_labels(G, q)

Returns a list of each of the labels appearing on the edges starting at q in G.


Returns an iset of labels appearing in G.


Returns True iff G is deterministic.


Returns True iff G is fully deterministic.


Constructs the subset presentation of G.

dot(G, q, w)

Computes the transition action of w in G on q.

idot(G, it, w)

Computes the transition action of w in G on each element of the iterable it, returning an iset of the non-None results.

is_stranded(G, q)

Returns True iff q is stranded in G.


Returns True iff G is essential.


Modifies G by removing vertices in G that do not lie on bi-infinite paths.


Returns a deterministic graph built from given partial functions.

random_deterministic_graph(n, m)

Randomly generates a deterministic graph defined by m partial functions over n states.

random_deterministic_graph_with_props(n, m, …)

Randomly generates a deterministic graph defined by m partial functions over n states that satisfies each each predicate in props.


Returns True iff G is irreducible


Gets the follower-equivalences of G.


Returns True iff G is follower-separated.


Compute the reduction of G.


Search for a synchronizing word in G.

find_separating_word(G, H)

Search for a separting word between G and H.

is_subshift(G, H)

Returns True iff the shift presented by G is contained in the shift presented by H.


Returns True iff G is synchronizing.

are_shifts_equal_sync(G, H)

Returns True iff the shift presnted by G is equivalent to the shift presented by H.

is_sft(G[, return_step])

Returns True iff the shift presents by G is a shift of finite type (SFT).